The movement of employees around the world is critical for the international expansion of businesses. The COVID-19 global pandemic has placed employee mobility in the spotlight for many businesses as a result of employees working in different locations. How we work has shifted to a more dynamic and fluid way of working.

International talent mobility is now a key element of a successful global business and with it comes challenges and risks, as well as opportunities. Businesses that prepare carefully and leverage the right knowledge and advice can tackle the challenges they face to navigate a path towards successful talent mobility.

If you are struggling with the following questions we can help:

  1. How will our growth strategy change and adapt to global challenges and requirements?
  2. How is the business coping financially? Is our business model agile and flexible with achievable goals?
  3. Can our workforce adapt to remote working?
  4. What are some of the hidden risks of actions we are taking now in relation to Global Mobility?
  5. How has the tax landscape changed for my business across the island of Ireland and around the world?
  6. Am I compliant with new tax, audit and employment regulations?
  7. How will I manage my payroll and pensions of my redeployed employees?

Why Grant Thornton

We can offer assistance and advice for employers, ranging from employment tax compliance reviews to implementing bespoke global mobility strategies. Our aim is to work closely with employers through each stage of their staff lifecycle to ensure that each decision is made in a tax efficient and compliant way.