Like many decision makers today, you are probably seeing continuous challenges to cut costs, increase revenue, improve financial performance and achieve project and strategic goals.

Our Consulting team supports you in this process, is very responsive and delivers results quickly. You can have total confidence in our capability to get the job done. Our clients enjoy a refreshing approach that has collaboration at its heart, which means they are 100% assured of involvement throughout the process, with no surprises and where decisions are fully aligned with their needs.

Our consulting services

The environment in which businesses and organisations operate in are evolving more rapidly than ever before. The increasing use of advanced technologies by employees and customers has led to a dramatic shift in how work is performed, teams are organised and in how customers consume products and services.

Businesses and organisations are constantly required to adapt to new ways of working and this organisational change presents additional questions around how to best support your leaders and other stakeholders in embracing business transformation.  

We provides best in class Change Management expertise, leveraging our vast experience in delivering change programmes across the public and private sector. Our team is comprised of change leaders and people management consultants who are certified in the practice of Change Management. 

Grant Thornton has the expertise required to ensure you succeed in your analytics proposition. We combine excellent technical skills in data analytics and machine learning, with a deep understanding of your business and the insurance industry.

Discover our Data Analytics services

Public and private sector organisations are consistently challenged with ensuring their investment decisions deliver the expected outcomes from a strategic, corporate and societal perspective. In an uncertain environment it can be difficult to obtain a clear and objective view of the relevant forces which affect policy and decision making.

Resolving this uncertainty through expert led and unbiased research and analysis is important in helping organisations to successfully assess their options and enable clarity of decision.

Our Economic Advisory team play an important role in bridging this evidence and knowledge gap and supply independent economic analysis, objective stakeholder engagement and data driven insights to help clients make effective decisions. 

As a core business operation, the finance function is a central means by which businesses and organisations can drive insights and deliver efficiencies over their competitors.

While business leaders increasingly require improved output from the finance function such as real time performance data, streamlined financial reporting and robust controls, this can often be prevented by outdated systems, capacity issues and a lack of automation.

In order to deliver maximum value, the finance team need to be empowered with the right processes and systems to be an effective partner in the business.

Our Finance Transformation team works closely with Finance leaders to drive improvement, deliver efficiencies and enhance performance. Our focus is on enabling more streamlined, proactive and data driven processes within the finance function to provide more real time insights for decision making.

Our team consists of finance specialists and experienced accountants who provide proven methodologies which are tailored for your specific needs.

In the competitive global environment organisations must constantly rethink and reshape their ways of working to remain competitive and stay ahead of competitors. The biggest threat to organisations can often be the failure to optimise its own operations, rather than an external threat.

Evolving marketplace conditions and disruptive technologies require organisations to unlock opportunities and leverage innovations to remain agile, cost effective and growth orientated.

We have a wealth of experience helping organisations to optimise their people, processes and technology. Our dedicated Operational Excellence team work closely with our clients to help identify inefficiencies, wastage and duplication in their core business processes, devise targeted plans to drive improvement and offer seamless implementation of future state processes and systems.  

Grant Thornton engages with clients to effectively build and implement the learning, development and career progression frameworks necessary to attract and retain first-rate talent in today’s dynamic workplace.

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The scale and pace of change which is seen today necessitates that businesses and organisations continually develop projects and programmes in order to achieve measurable strategic and operational improvements. Unfortunately, despite heavy investment, many projects fail to deliver the targeted results which is often caused by poor planning and governance.

We help our clients to build on existing approaches and skills within the business to optimise and mobilise the correct resources to effectively deliver projects and programmes in a structured manner and achieve the proposed outcomes.

Every project and programme is different and we tailor our approach depending on their specific circumstances and requirements. We have a team of vastly experienced and trained project management specialists who can work with both public and private sector clients across all sectors including;

  • Energy & Utilities
  • Agri-food & FMCG
  • Health
  • Financial Services
  • Technology
  • Transport

Businesses and public bodies who fail to operate with a clear strategic vision and plan will inevitably experience a lack of focus and purpose throughout their organisation, from the top down.

Furthermore, effective decision making is hindered which eventually leads to poorer business outcomes over the medium to long term. It is important that robust strategic planning, implementation and review takes place on a regular basis however some organisations do not have the right tools to develop these processes or face barriers to effectively implementing them.  

We have a dedicated team who have significant experience supporting clients with strategy review and development. Our approach combines our deep and diverse industry knowledge and global perspective to help businesses to clearly define their strategic priorities, develop strategic plans and align their long term objectives. 

Globalisation, Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic have highlighted the complexity and difficulties associated with managing supply chains. Greater competition for raw materials and supplies as well as dramatic shifts in consumption patterns has greatly changed the industry.

Recently companies have responded to these challenges by holding more inventory, negotiating longer contracts or establishing local more sources of supplies. The industry will continue to change in the coming years with the adoption of advanced technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Our Supply Chain Management team can support you in responding to these changing circumstances and enable you to reconsider your supply chain strategy and optimise your approach to supply chain management.

We have proven supply chain specialists who engage with client to assess the capabilities of their people, processes and technologies in order to identify, implement and realise efficiencies across the entire breath of their supply chain.

Why Grant Thornton

We guarantee quick turnarounds, lower partner to staff ratio than most and superior results delivered on all our services. Whatever your business needs, we can help you to move forward and identify and implement major transformations efficiently and effortlessly. Talk to us about services offered to key private sector and public sector clients, and how we can support you in progressing and improving your business.