How can we help you make the most of your data?

Wherever you are in your analytics journey, we can help. We think it is best to follow a pragmatic approach tailored to your business. This can be designed to combine a long term strategy with incremental deliveries that result in quick wins. Machine learning is a fast moving field, and business and regulatory developments can make it even more challenging. Having a clear strategic road map and a proportional governance framework can really help you achieve your goals while minimising risks.

Why Grant Thornton?

Grant Thornton has the expertise required to ensure you succeed in your analytics proposition. We combine excellent technical skills in data analytics and machine learning, with a deep understanding of your business and the insurance industry. We are ideally positioned to provide specialist advice on all steps of your analytics journey.

Grant Thornton provides a comprehensive range of services to support your analytics journey.

Our Services

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Office close to you

3rd Floor
Exchange House
54-62 Athol Street
Isle of Man